Websites that look great, but at the same time are the perfect vehicle to bring you to the top of the search engines!
Today virtually every business owner is aware of the necessity of being present online. Yet many of them still believe that with a ‘beautifully designed website’ they will rake in visitors and new customers. Nothing is less true and this illusion only becomes bigger over time as more and more entrepreneurs enter the online market while spending a significant budget on positioning their website as well as in online marketing.
Terms such as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing) become more and more usual terms in the day-to-day lives of many businesses. However, since high ranked websites tend to benefit from their position in those search engines, the level of competition increases significantly as well. Combine this with the ever-changing ‘black box’ of Google’s algorithm and it becomes clear that SEO and SEM are to be handled by professionals.
There still appears to be a significant gap however between on one hand the ‘designers’ (those who build websites), and the ‘marketers’ (those who apply SEO and SEM techniques). Years ago, optimisation of a website was rather simple and by placing some relevant keywords and meta tags, your site would reach page one easily on Google. This may explain why many ‘so-called SEO companies’ have no clue as they grew from developers (coders/programmers) to marketers…not a great combination!
At our approach is different as we are marketers who build our team with developers/designers around the core online marketing team. Everything we build is with a clear marketing goal and this translates into using technologies that serve as marketing vehicles that position the website better and faster.