“The Future of Internet are Smart Fusion Apps, not mobile websites nor Native Applications” say leading Internet Technology Analysts in 2012
More than a year after we here at OptimaSit.com rolled out our first Web App solutions, web developers left and right have started catching on to the Mobile Internet Revolution. In itself that’s a good thing as now more than 60% of all internet searches happen on a mobile device, were it not that the majority of mobile developers only understood part of the requirements.
It simply isn’t sufficient to make text legible on small screens by adapting the Custom Style Sheets (CSS) or using Responsive coding to achieve what’s defined as Web Apps. Web Apps are much closer to Native Apps (iPhone, or Android, or Blackberry, or Windows…) in terms of functionality and design…but than compatible with all operating systems and tactile smartphones.
One-thumb navigation (without need to enlarge texts) goes beyond creating larger texts and thumbsize buttons. It includes dynamically changing menus and buttons that change depending on the screen one is on. Natively integrating slideshows and video is another characteristic often neglected by developers.
Above you have a few excellent examples of Web Apps made for our clients. Web Apps are not just another gadget, they are effective and essential elements of the corporate marketing strategy. According to Google, companies who do not make the move to excellent Web Apps will lose the battle and go out of business within the coming two years. Users are getting more demanding and there are more business each day that have their ‘window to world’ adapted to the mobile user.
Avoid having to redo your mobile version, make sure you have the latest technology Smart Fusion App designed and implemented by OptimaSit.com. Contact us now for a free consultation.