solutions in Marbella

When you have a great idea for an app, it is exciting. You have probably thought about all of the major points; you know the point of your app, who will use it, the finer details of the intended functionality, and you’re raring to go.

That’s good. One thing that may not be obvious if you have never developed an app before is that there may be hidden costs, processes and legal issues you’ll need to consider if your app is to be a success. Here are four of the main points you’ll need to consider:

  1. Development costs

There will be several development costs. For example, if you haven’t fully formed the idea, you may need some expert advice to fill in the gaps. Engineering and coding also need to be factored in, if these are not things you’re capable of doing yourself.

You’ll need to consider whether your app is going to be available to both iOS and Android, and what the costs might be for both. Lastly, you’ll need to think about the cost of testing your app; no app can be launched without thorough testing, and there may be need be several lots of tests done.

  1. Marketing your app

Once your app is ready, you’re going to need to let people know about it, and if you’re not an expert in marketing, it is probably a wise idea to hire one. As the number one provider of IT solutions in Marbella, Optimasit understand the intricacies of the app development process from start to finish, including effective marketing.

If you’re going to invest time and money into the development of your app, you’ll need to do the same for the marketing of it, or what would the point have been?

  1. Getting legal advice

This may not be required, but it depends on the app you’re designing and what your company does. So that you aren’t caught in any unforeseen traps, it doesn’t hurt to consult a lawyer to find out what the score is.

You may have obligations to adhere to, or it might be the case that you’ll need to protect your intellectual property. This is obviously better done in advance than in hindsight; preventing mess (and unanticipated costs) is preferable to finding your way out of it.

  1. Funding your app

If you aren’t flush and are unsure how much funding you can put up for the development of your app, before you commit it might be wise to consider raising the funds to cover it.

First of all, it would be prudent to discuss your plans with an experienced app developer who can give you an idea of costs. Optimasit are Marbella’s experts in both web and app development, so we aren’t a bad place to start if we do say so ourselves.

We can help you figure out how much you’ll need to complete the process. If it seems that you’re going to fall short, you could consider crowdfunding as an option. Sometimes investors are looking for a great idea to put their money to, but they’re not always easy to locate. Crowdfunding is a viable alternative, but you’ll need to put a lot of effort into spreading your campaign around.

How you raise funds is up to you and will largely be down to common sense, but we are happy to advise on as many aspects of the process as you need to get your app off the ground. Give us a call now to see how we can help.